Welcome to our Blog!

Our blog aims to raise awareness about a wide range of early childhood education topics.

A Community for ECE Leaders

Are you an Early Childhood Education Director seeking the knowledge and skills to manage your program effectively? Look no further! We’re excited to present a special four-part workshop series designed exclusively for ECE Directors like you.

CDA Preparation Services

If you would like ongoing support, we can create a customized service plan to meet your needs.

Contact us for pricing and availability.

The Review: Exam

You will get an individualized one-hour session to review key terms for the exam and test strategies to help ease the anxiety.

The Revision: Portfolio

A one-hour session to revise your portfolio to ensure you have all the required content, give you suggested edits and provide feedback to ensure it’s ready.

Super Support: Both

This service gives you individualized one-hour support sessions to revise your portfolio and a personal one-hour session to review for the exam.