Welcome to our Blog!

Our blog aims to raise awareness about a wide range of early childhood education topics.

Nurturing Gratitude in Children

As adults, we play a pivotal role in shaping the experiences of the children around us. This article post not only equips us with practical

ECE Educators’ Success Guide

This comprehensive guide will help you kickstart the year on the right foot and create a positive and engaging learning environment. Start an incredible school year!

CDA Preparation Services

If you would like ongoing support, we can create a customized service plan to meet your needs.

Contact us for pricing and availability.

The Review: Exam

You will get an individualized one-hour session to review key terms for the exam and test strategies to help ease the anxiety.

The Revision: Portfolio

A one-hour session to revise your portfolio to ensure you have all the required content, give you suggested edits and provide feedback to ensure it’s ready.

Super Support: Both

This service gives you individualized one-hour support sessions to revise your portfolio and a personal one-hour session to review for the exam.